If I had a million dollars

    Setting your Sights on Retirement – Five things you can do to bring it into focus Do you remember the Barenaked Ladies song, If I had a Million Dollars? Tongue in cheek, they sing about all the things they would do if they had a million dollars. It was released when I was in my […]

    Family Matters Investing Pension2.5 min read
    American Bandstand’s Top 10 with a Twist

    Many of you may recall watching American Bandstand, where they regularly reviewed the top ten pop music songs during a specific time period. You may also recall the rush of seeing and listening to superstars such as the Beatles, ABBA, and Jefferson Airplane perform live on television. Today we want to introduce anyone hoping to […]

    Family Matters Insurance Investing Pension2.5 min read
    Three types of pension plans and what you should know about them

    We’ve all heard our friends and family members talk about pension plans at some point in their life, usually when they start a new job or are getting close to retirement. A friend of mine recently joined a pension plan at their new job but when I asked what kind of pension plan it is, […]

    Family Matters Pension2 min read
    Four ways that protecting our planet and finances go hand-in-hand

    Earth Day is both a celebration of our planet and a reminder to take care of it. On April 22nd, people from around the world will come together to appreciate the beauty of our planet, our home. Have you ever considered by taking care of the Earth, just like when we take care of our […]

    Family Matters Investing1.5 min read
    World Health Day – Four reasons why being financially healthy is important for Manitobans

    World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th, and this year’s theme is “Supporting financial health for everyone”. This theme will raise awareness and improve the understanding of the importance of financial health for everyone’s overall wellbeing. Financial health is an essential part of health, and it can have a huge impact on the […]

    Family Matters1 min read
    The Pink Tax: Four steps you can take to avoid the tax

    The “Pink Tax” is a term used to describe the phenomenon where goods and services marketed specifically to women, are priced higher when compared to similar goods and services marketed to men. This discriminatory pricing is found across a wide range of products, from personal care items such as razors and shampoo, to items such […]

    Family Matters Investing3 min read
    A Reason to Look Forward to Tax Season

    As we continue to barrel through a so-far remarkably warm winter in much of Manitoba, February fun is on the horizon in the form of cross-country skiing, ice fishing, skating, and the world-famous Festival Du Voyageur! Sure, Valentine’s Day is nice for some folks, especially if you have a sweet tooth, but the real date […]

    Family Matters Guest Blog4 min read
    Income Boosting Benefits and How To Get Them

    For families on social assistance with children, benefit income can add up to almost 40% of their annual household income. Evidence from Canada and the U.S. shows that many low-income earners can quickly increase their family’s income by as much as 50% by accessing benefits they are entitled to. TOOLS and STRATEGIES to ACCESS BENEFITS […]

    Family Matters Guest Blog5 min read
    “SIMPLY” having a wonderful Christmas time – gift giving guide

    The holiday season can be a time of stress for many people. An increase in activities and gatherings (or conversely, isolation), the pressure to pick the best gifts for those on your shopping list and of course, the financial burden that goes along with all of this. For many of us, gifts are not really […]

    Family Matters2 min read
    “What will happen to my child after I’m gone?” 

    Parents of children with an intellectual disability often worry about what the future holds, and at some point have to ask the question, “What will happen to them when I am gone?” In a fast-paced world, with technology at our fingertips, we can quickly access information on a wide array of topics. But for someone […]

    Family Matters Guest Blog2 min read